Project Description

Eunyoung Kang (강은영)


모토: 모 아니면 도

Eunyoung Kang currently works at Ashcan Studio of Art as Creative Director. Eunyoung received her M.P.S. in Interactive Telecommunications (ITP) from New York University, Tisch School of the Arts in 2012. She served as the director of public relations for the NYU Korean Graduate Students Association in 2011-2012. During her undergraduate studies, she majored in Interior Design and Visual Communications Design, which allowed her to gain a wide range of skills in the creative field from visual layout to space design. Currently, Eunyoung designs and organizes various art exhibitions, and creates graphics, booklets, and postcards as a freelancer.

2012년 뉴욕대학교에서 인터렉티브 텔레커뮤니케이션 석사 학위 취득. 뉴욕대학원 한인학생회 홍보국장으로 활동. 현재 뉴욕 맨하탄에 위치한 애쉬캔 아트스튜디오에서 크리에이티브 드렉터로 근무중.

Q: New York’s Best-Kept-Secret Restaurant?

A: Elephant & Castle.

Q: The first thing you do when you wake up?

A: I find Zio, hold him and sleep for five more minutes.

Q: The word/phrase you say the most?

A: zi~o~~~ zio~~~ z • i • o!!!!!!!!!!!!

Q: Biggest Challenge?

A: Exercising every day

Q: 뉴욕에서 나만 아는 꼭 가봐야하는 restaurant는?

A: Elephant & Castle

Q: 아침에 눈을 뜨자마자 하는 행동은?

A: 지오찾아 안고 오분만 더자기.

Q: 하루중 가장 많이 하는 말은?

A: 지~오~~~ 지오~~~ ㅈㅣㅇㅗ!!!!

Q: 나에게 가장 어려운 것?

A: 매일 운동하기.